Excavating Services
in Marietta, OHio
Brian Barth Excavating LLC
We Provide Excavating Services in Marietta, Ohio, and Beyond
Brian Barth Excavating LLC provides excavating services to Marietta, Ohio, and beyond. When excavation is the service you desire in and around Marietta, Ohio, look no further than Brian Barth Excavating LLC. Brian and his talented team are all experienced and qualified excavation specialists that get the job done fast. Contact us today at (740) 374-2331 for information on our equipment and pricing options in Marietta, Ohio, and surrounding areas.

Brian Barth Excavating LLC Offers Various Excavation Services
Are you interested in creating something new and fun around your home? Could you use a new garage, but you need to prepare the area beside your home and clear it? Perhaps you could use a pond in your yard and do not know how such a project even starts. That is where Brian Barth Excavation LLC comes into play. Excavation is our specialty, and we can get holes dug, land cleared, or new building sites prepped in no time.
Commercial and Residential Services
Brian Barth Excavating LLC works with both commercial and residential projects. Excavation is the process of leveling or moving dirt from one location to another. Sometimes you will need help with a minor job. That is where residential excavation comes into play. Residential excavation is for smaller, more local jobs such as clearing a home or possibly a deck or pool. Commercial excavation is for much larger projects such as clearing land and preparing it for a large building.
Land Clearing Services
Our land clearing services are second to none. We can clear various kinds of brush, trees, bushes, and debris to make things tidy for your home project. We can also clear old remnants of buildings to prepare for a future commercial project. If our customer needs something cleared out or cleaned up, we are on the job. Do not hesitate to contact Brian Barth Excavating today for all your excavation and land clearing needs.
Our Team is Your One Stop for All Excavation Needs
While some companies only handle one or the other, that is not the case with Brian Barth Excavating LLC. We do commercial and residential services with swiftness, efficiency, and accuracy to ensure you are delighted. Brian Barth Excavating LLC never leaves a job incomplete, or a customer dissatisfied. So, call us today and find out what we can do to make your next project go smoothly.
Call Brian Barth Excavating LLC when you need excavating services to Marietta, Ohio, and beyond.